Friday 4 March 2016

Life Drawing

To accomplish this one of us had to become a model and use the 3d box method we were taught. In this experiment we were investigating dynamic poses and we used the boxes instead of the stick figures to be able to get a more accurate representation of how the pose looks in 3 dimensions. This will help me get a better understanding of the proportions of the characters in my game. Once I learnt this method I felt it was a lot easier to do dynamic poses. 

We used a site called artists pixelovely figure drawing, this showed us a bunch of different poses that we had to copy with the 3d box  method, we had 60 seconds to copy each pose.

This is a drawing I did while copying a figure.

These are life drawing I did of two other people.

What makes a character different is what kind of bodily structure they have such as their body mass or height, their is no such thing as a perfect human being everyone has their ups and downs. If you draw someone with a perfect body it looks very weird, this is because people in the real world do not have perfectly structured bodies.  

We did some life drawings of our hands to improve our hand drawings.
We started off by copying our hand to make a first sketch.
Next we drew our hands with several different techniques such as drawing with out left hand and taping the pencil to a different part of our body and drawing that way.

After that we used a ruler and charcoal to draw a hand, the challenge in this was that we couldn't fully control where our charcoal went(plus the noise was painful).
Before our finale sketch we practised doing the shadow and highlights of our hands.
These are the finale sketches I did of my hands there is a clear improvement in the two sketches.


  1. Discuss human proportions. What makes game characters different? i.e proportionally.

  2. What were we investigating here? e.g proportion and dynamic poses. Write about this. How difficult was it to create a dynamic pose? how did we structure the body? e.g blocks as opposed to stick figures.
    Explain how this is relevant to your project. e.g generation of different ideas and choices of character.
