
                         Maya Skills- 27th September 2016

To merge an object you select all separate object at the same time, you do this by holding shift and clicking on each object. After that you click on mesh and scroll down till you see combine.

Maya Skills-Making a fruit bowl with nurbs-28th September 2016
Today we made a fruit bowl on Maya by using nurb modelling and converting them into vectors to be able to put into a game. 

Making the Bowl and the Apple
I  managed to finish the bowl, to accomplish this I needed to use the curve tool to outline half the the object after this I had to use the rotation tool, this made it so there was a complete bowl.I then had to convert the nerbs to polygons because nerbs can't be put into a game, To do this I went into modify; convert; nerbs to polygons.I adjusted the faces to make sure there was the right amount of detail in the model. However the dip in the bowl wasn't there so I had to duplicate the bowl, scale it down and place so that none of the black inside the bowl was showing; after this I had to go into the edges option and then bridge to connect the inside bowl to the outside bowl. You make the apple virtually the same way as the bowl, you use the curve tool and rotate it and to make the stalk you grab the the edges, pull them in and make pull up the edge to make the bottom of the stalk, next go on to the vertex option and adjust the stalk accordingly, keep repeating the different repeating this until the appropriate length; once you done close off the gap by selecting the edged and bridging across.

Making The Banana
In order to make the banana I had to make a nurb circle, I positioned the nerb circle right in the middle of the banana; I then had to duplicate the circle nurb and arrange them around the shape of the banana (I do this to both sides). After I'm done with that I use the loft tool when the banana shape forms it will be inside out , to remedy this go to Mesh Display; Reverse this will show the banana's grey side and it will be ready to add to the fruit bowl.

Mudbox-29th September 2016
Today we were playing around on mudbox to get a better understanding of the different tools and techniques we'll have to use and develop in order to further our understanding of the software; here's the work I did today....
I think it looks cool but it's not really anatomically correct and there's plenty of things I could of done better: like the colouring and the anatomy, but it's okay for now.

Making Dice on Maya-Ocotber 5th 2016
Chris taught us how to UV a 3D model, this us basically how you texture and put dynamic shading on a model, to do this we had to use Maya and Photoshop; Maya for modelling and making the UV which is basically like a net for a 3D shape and photoshop for colouring, texturing and shading.

Before you do anything to your cube right click on it and change the material to phong, this will make it look more like plastic.

To get the net of your cube you have to go into UV editor; UV snapshot: save the UV as a targa file. Next put your net into to photoshop where you need to do three steps:

1. Colour in the UV
You can colour anything in the UV, as long as it within the confines of the net anything painted outside will not show on the model; I painted mine blue and pink because I personally think they work very well together.

2. Make the specular

The specular is adds the lighting to the object, the white areas are the one's that have lighting and the black areas won't have any lighting.

3.Make the normal map
The normal map is the texture of your object and the bits that are sticking up are the places that have texture.

After you do all that you have to put on all those different sections on to your cube: first you have to click on the cube and chose the select image option, once you open this select the colour UV, Click the cube again, select specular map and choose your specular UV and finally you should again click on the cube, but this time go down to bump map, select the normal map you created and adjust it to your liking.

To give your dice more of a dice like shape, right click on the dice and select edge; modelling tool kit; bevel, once you select bevel go to the fraction tab and adjust the number until it's slightly rounded; go back into object mode and select soften edge.

Duplicate your dice by pressing control-D and dragging it along, to start rendering the different scenes click show render; mental ray, the mental ray option will make you rendered image a lot bigger. Make a light and turn it on to give the dice some more lighting. Next create a polygon plain 

This is the finished dice animation, I think I'm somewhat proud of this animation the shadings a bit off and the lighting could be far better but overall it's okay:

Mudbox development pt. 2- October 7th 2016

A made another face using Mudbox, like the first one I started off with a sphere and used the grab tool to layout the basic shape of the face; I then went in the sculpting tool to sculpt out the nose and lips, after this I needed to retopologize it to get the correct shape for the face.

Practicing Maya- 11th October 2016
Here I practised my overall modelling skills, by making the pokemon misdreavous in maya.

Making A Tap With A Single Cube- 1st November 2016

Are Challenge today is to make a tap with a single cube, by using the multi-cut tool and by extruding the faces.

Making A Gas Station In Maya- 2nd November 2016
We were set a challenge to make a gas station in Maya, from a reference image on the drive. This is my progress of the gas station so far. In order to accomplish this task we need to use all the knowledge we have acquired from previous Maya projects 
I've made the post and the basic shape of the petrol station , To make the post I got a cylinder and reduced the sub division axis, and made it more in to pentagon like shape.
I worked in to the post more, adding all the little details like the thing beneath the sign that holds it up and the two poles, at the sides of the of the post that hold up the smaller sign. I also added the wooden pillars that come down from the roof of the station.
Here I added in the petrol tanks and finished up the sign posts. I the main store sign, as well as the other signs for the post. I also lowered the roof so it looked more like the reference image. I think this has turned out pretty well for the most part, although I think the petrol pumps could use some tweaking but other than that I think it's alright.

I added two wheels on the stool of the post and I added the lamp that hangs over the front door.

Picking An Object And Making It In Maya- 4th November 2016
Simon got us to brush up on our Maya skills today, he gave us a choice between animating a hand (which I wanted to do) and picking an object modelling it in Maya. Most of the class chose to pick a random object and model it in Maya. I chose a heavy duty pump, which I assume would be for a car tyre or something similar.

Maya Skills Texture Tile ling- 24th November 2016
Simon taught us how to tile a texture, you have to do this because if you spread out a single texture block it looks disproportionate compared to the rest of the environment, when you put it into a game.

To tile a texture you need to make a texture (or get a royalty free image online), you have to put it on a photoshop file with 1024x1024 pixels; Next you have to go into filter; other: offset and set both of the options to 500, use the stamp tool to iron out all the rough lines. Once your done go back into the offset and set both of the options to -500.

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