Wednesday 30 March 2016

Animal Anatomy Research

This is me trying to figure out the anatomy of a wolf, I took
a picture of a wolf from google and outlined the joints.

I'm trying to figure out the different sections of a Raven, so when I come to making the boss battle I know which parts to move when making it's animations.

What I need to make my 2d game good

Character Movements

This is a sprite sheet it's used for the animations of the characters, these are used for 2 dimensional games.

Dynamic Background

This is a background from the first sonic game, it's background is animated by using multiple frames, to
create the illusion of movement. 

Interesting Boss Battles

To make an effective boss battle, I should make them tougher than the average enemy obviously, put down different things you have to destroy or collect before you can
hit the boss, have a different soundtrack, vary your bosses attacks as they weaken. 

I also think that it's interesting to have a different way to defeat a boss, like beating them in a race, a good example of this is Sonic CD.

Wednesday 23 March 2016

Photoshop practice 2

This is a painting I did of a character from the series star vs the forces of evil, this helped me work on my shading.

This is a painting of a snow leopard, this helped me with my detailing and tone.

This is the Big daddy from Bioshock I used him to work on my texturing and to revise on how to paint on photoshop after the holiday.

Tuesday 22 March 2016

Feedback on blog

This is some feedback I got on my work, the suggestion I got was add some mini-bosses to my game. I got positive feedback on my Blog design and structure.

Friday 18 March 2016

Level Layouts and Design

Level 1:                                                    
This level is a city level, but it's been twisted up by Billy in his tornado form, To get to the end of this level all you need to do is 
get up to the top with out falling off. To navigate through this level
you follow the arrangement of the platforms. The theme of this level is a suburb. 

These are the different platforms found in level 1.

Level 2:
In this level you have to run into time clock to slowdown time, so
you can get past the lasers that will kill you in one shot. all while avoiding the bosses projectiles. The places you see the little circles on the ground ( the stopwatches ), that's how you know where you
need to go. The theme of this level is a cathedral.

Face drawing

For this we had to take pictures of our own faces and rip them, after we ripped them up we had to choose a couple of sections of the picture and glue them to a piece of paper, then Shiam photo copied the pictures so we could make multiple different face drawings. We drew in crazy looking facial features and when we were finished we hung them up on the wall.

This will help me with my character design, because It helped me pinpoint the positions of the face.

Wednesday 16 March 2016

Photoshop Experiment

This is a painting I did with the technique that Shiam taught us.

First we made a new layer in photoshop and we needed to find a good picture of either a whale or a elephant, I chose a space whale.
I then made a new layer on photoshop and copied the picture onto it, I took some basic colours from the picture with the eyedropper tool. Then I drew the outline of the whale and blocked in the different colours and shades of it. Next I started to put in all the details such as the planets, stars and the eye. Finally I merged the colours together and intensified them and I put in the highlights and the rest of the shading.

This will help me with my art and I will be able to improve the
art I use in my game.

Wednesday 9 March 2016

Construct Research

Setting the layout size.
Adjust my layout size to 4000,2048 to make a basic layout for a platform game.

Adding the Tiled Background object.
               I should select the tiled background.
Importing an image file.Sizing the tiled background.

I load the background and adjust it to the same size as the background layout. I should also press ctrl 0 if I want to zoom all the way out.

I have researched into how to make a rope/ ladder I downloaded a construct file that someone made, that show's how to make a proper scalable rope/ladder.

The other rope tutorial didn't work for me, so I needed to find another tutorial and I did.
Ladder movement
This tutorial worked and now my character is successfully climbing up a rope.

                                  My Command lines
This is my version of the commands sheet

A Tutorial I found about how to make a platform game on construct

Friday 4 March 2016

Life Drawing

To accomplish this one of us had to become a model and use the 3d box method we were taught. In this experiment we were investigating dynamic poses and we used the boxes instead of the stick figures to be able to get a more accurate representation of how the pose looks in 3 dimensions. This will help me get a better understanding of the proportions of the characters in my game. Once I learnt this method I felt it was a lot easier to do dynamic poses. 

We used a site called artists pixelovely figure drawing, this showed us a bunch of different poses that we had to copy with the 3d box  method, we had 60 seconds to copy each pose.

This is a drawing I did while copying a figure.

These are life drawing I did of two other people.

What makes a character different is what kind of bodily structure they have such as their body mass or height, their is no such thing as a perfect human being everyone has their ups and downs. If you draw someone with a perfect body it looks very weird, this is because people in the real world do not have perfectly structured bodies.  

We did some life drawings of our hands to improve our hand drawings.
We started off by copying our hand to make a first sketch.
Next we drew our hands with several different techniques such as drawing with out left hand and taping the pencil to a different part of our body and drawing that way.

After that we used a ruler and charcoal to draw a hand, the challenge in this was that we couldn't fully control where our charcoal went(plus the noise was painful).
Before our finale sketch we practised doing the shadow and highlights of our hands.
These are the finale sketches I did of my hands there is a clear improvement in the two sketches.

Wednesday 2 March 2016

Time Planner

Week 1
Through Week one I will complete all my initial sketches of the characters and levels I'm planning for my game, Next I will do some research on different video games to be able to figure out how I should structure my game, Also I will make a few moodboards to get a base idea about what assets I will put in my level, finally I did some research on different animal poses to just get a better understanding of how they move. I also started on the concept art for one of the characters.

Week 2
I continued on with my concept piece adding more improvements, I did this by finding reference images of angel wings and human anatomy. We also did some life drawings of each other, one of us would get in a unique position and the people remaining in a group had to draw the person in that position. I also learnt some new photoshop painting techniques from Shiam, I finished my mindmap and proposal and put them up on my blog.

Week 3
I started to research the artist American Mcgee for the contextual research. We also did a peer assessment on each others work to see
what we thought needed to be improved about our individual projects. After that I made a start on my artist interpretation of
American Mcgee's work.

Week 4
I finished the concept art for my character. Shiam gave us a lesson
on how to paint in photoshop, this helped us to paint a lot quicker and the final painting using this technique looked more professional. We also did a lesson specifically for hands where we
learnt how to do the outline, perspective and shading of the hand, which ultimately led to us doing a final hand sketch, that came out better than the last one. Another thing we did was take one of life 
drawings we did of the people we drew, put it into photoshop and 
made our own character out of it. We then did another group peer
assessment accept this time we were assessing each others blogs. Finally this week we took photo's of ourselves ripped them up and glued some of the bits onto paper, then we drew the missing feature's from the photo, I also did the layout for two of my levels

Week 5
I updated my blog and worked into the level's of my games a bit more, I made the platforms for the first level and started to plan out the first level boss. I also game up with the idea for the first enemy in Ronex, The Birmageddon.

Easter Week 6 and 7
During Easter I will a lot of drawing practice, the things I will practice are anatomy, colouring, posture, expression, shading,
environment and perspective. I'm also going to go to places and
take picture of different churches and cathedral's also I will take pictures of various animals to get an idea of their anatomy. Also I plan to study animation in games in order to get a better understanding of what different movements I need and in-between
all this I will annotate my blog.

Week 8
During this week I will make a bunch of photoshop experiments and continue updating my blog, I will also write down my problems and choices, then finally I will do an observational drawing of a window off the cathedral I took pictures of.

Week 9
I will try to make my blog more organised and I will upload more of the developmental drawing I did for my FMP and I will do research on four more artists also I plan to do alot more work on my game.

Week 10
I finished up my artist research and I decided that the first boss was going to be Dexter. I also decided that I was only going to do one detailed level, because I figured it's better than two rushed level's with extremely lazy bosses.

Week 11
This week I made alot of progress on my game and I finished up researching the five artists I needed for a merit in that one area. I also managed to make a scalable rope thanks to the tutorial I found. I also updated my blog.

Week 12
This week I will follow the tutorial I found on making a platform game in construct and I will do more work on my bibliography, make another mindmap and put it onto the blog.

Week 13
This week I will finish my game and do a final evaluation of my project, I will also complete my bibliography and I will put all this on my blog after I have finished.

Week 14
I will give my game a test run, I will do this by letting other people play it and see what they think is good and what need's to be fixed.

Tuesday 1 March 2016

Group Critic

These are suggestions for what I should do with my project. I am restricting myself to two levels and do lots of software research for both photoshop and construct.

  • I'm going try and design at least three levels
  • I'm going to get two levels done