Friday 22 April 2016

Ronex Level One Boss Fight: Dexter

This is the first boss for Ronex his name's Dexter and he's an angel, in this first battle he's only using a quarter of his full power. The reason he's holding back is because he's supposed to be testing you. 

The first sprite is an idle sprite and the second one is an attack Sprite.

Dexter being a celestial being can move at super sonic speeds, he will use this speed to get from one side of the field to the other, you need to jump over him while moves to the other side otherwise he will do alot of damage, it's sort of like the yellow devil fight from Megaman.

This is the Yellow devil fight from Megaman 1, it's my inspiration for Dexter's light speed dash attack.

In this picture you can see the sprite sheet is starting to come together, he's starting to distort. 

I updated the sprite sheet again with another frame, this time he's preparing to dash forward.

The next sprite his him about to charge at you.

This is the finished sprite sheet, I made the fill slightly more transparent with the last two sprites because I think it gives a good idea of how fast he is.

This is his completed light speed attack animation, I used the liquid tool to make the different smudge effects and I used the layer settings for the distortion effect.

I improved the animation giving him an entrance and exit, While he was going out I lowered the opacity and I raise the opacity as he's coming in.

At the moment I'm colouring in his idle sprite and one of his other attack sprites.

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