Friday 29 April 2016

Ronex: Pyro's New Sprites

This is Pyro's idle state, If I have the time I will add movement to it.

Friday 22 April 2016

Ronex Level 1 Enemies

This is a Birmageddon I'm using a reference image from google to be able to know a bird's flight pattern, this will also help me with the anatomy of a bird.

Animation Steps

I will show the different frames I used in this animation below.

Frame 1

Frame 2

Frame 3

Frame 4

Frame 5

Frame 6

Frame 7

Frame 8

Corrected Animation

I made each of the frames of an equal size so it didn't look like it was growing as it flies.

Ronex Level One Boss Fight: Dexter

This is the first boss for Ronex his name's Dexter and he's an angel, in this first battle he's only using a quarter of his full power. The reason he's holding back is because he's supposed to be testing you. 

The first sprite is an idle sprite and the second one is an attack Sprite.

Dexter being a celestial being can move at super sonic speeds, he will use this speed to get from one side of the field to the other, you need to jump over him while moves to the other side otherwise he will do alot of damage, it's sort of like the yellow devil fight from Megaman.

This is the Yellow devil fight from Megaman 1, it's my inspiration for Dexter's light speed dash attack.

In this picture you can see the sprite sheet is starting to come together, he's starting to distort. 

I updated the sprite sheet again with another frame, this time he's preparing to dash forward.

The next sprite his him about to charge at you.

This is the finished sprite sheet, I made the fill slightly more transparent with the last two sprites because I think it gives a good idea of how fast he is.

This is his completed light speed attack animation, I used the liquid tool to make the different smudge effects and I used the layer settings for the distortion effect.

I improved the animation giving him an entrance and exit, While he was going out I lowered the opacity and I raise the opacity as he's coming in.

At the moment I'm colouring in his idle sprite and one of his other attack sprites.

My Wish List for Ronex

If I have enough time I will make a Second Level and Include the boss I was planning.

I would like to add some sort of story to the game.

Tuesday 19 April 2016

Ronex Construct2 Progress

This is my game so far, I have a few platforms and my character is able to move about the level.

I figured out how to make my level bigger, it's the column layout size in the left hand margin I set it to 1709  to 1900, I also made the platforming a bit more difficult. I need to work on the background and make it easier on the eyes

I have added a scalable rope, a couple of enemies that move from side to side, a few more platforms and I also restructured the level so it actually feels like your scaling a tornado. To make the enemies move from side to side I made a box put it over the enemy sprite and added the platform behaviour, then I made an instant variable they are triggers to activate an event, in this case making the enemy move left to right.

I have updated the background and added in the sprite for the boss battle.

Tuesday 12 April 2016

Final Major Project: Problems and Choices

The Problems I Have Run Into

The first problem I ran into was in my concept art and trying to figure out how to draw a hand, Shiam helped me to get the the hand in the right position.

I had trouble with the artist interpretation of American Mcgee's work, I tried to do it on paper but it didn't really work out, so I did on photoshop and after I learned one of the painting techniques for photoshop, I think it turned out really well. I have used this painting techniques in all my photoshop paintings.

My animated Idle sprite was messing up the platforming, so I updated the sprite slightly and made it static.

I found a ladder and rope tutorial I tried, to replicate it but it just wasn't working, so I found another tutorial.

I had a problem with one of the enemies I inserted into the game, it wasn't going back and forth like the other sprite.

Choices I Have Made

I was initially going to do all the levels in Ronex, but I was informed that it would take more than 14 weeks to complete
the game I had in mind, so I settled on doing 2 levels and only
doing more if I had the time. 

I have decided to use Dexter as the boss of the first level instead of the character Nix, because I already have a solid character design for Dexter.

I will only make one level of the game because I would rather make a detailed and in-depth level than a two rushed and very bad levels. 

I made the platforms bigger so that it would look more like the character is actually jumping on a solid platform.  

I found from a tutorial on the construct site scirra, that if you put the platform behaviour on a separate box instead of the actual sprite, the animation actually work properly and it doesn't conflict with the platform behaviour.  

Monday 11 April 2016

Reference Images from Lichfield Cathedral

These are pictures I took of the Lichfield cathedral, I will use assets from these pictures to form the structure and design of my level. 

Observational Drawing

In this observational drawing I just drew the window, this is because Shiam said that doing the whole cathedral would take too much time. This will help me with the design of the second level I'm planning, because during the level your climbing up a cathedral and this could work as a platform, to be able to scale up the cathedral.

Friday 8 April 2016

Drawing Practice: During Easter Holidays

This is a werewolf hand, to make this I drew my own hand in this position and drew extra features on to it.