Friday 27 November 2015

Some of my Initial Sketches for my platformer

Pyro's design was inspired by the game Okami and Billy is my own design with a little referencing.

This level design was inspired by the final level of Vectorman on the MegaDrive

This is the going to be the title art for my game.

This is going to be the first boss of my platformer.
This is concept art of the common enemy's you will come across in the game.
These are the different kind of actions my character will use in game such as: running,jumping and attacking.

These are updated versions of my characters Pyro and Billy.
These are some of the different pick-up that you can get in Ronex.

E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial the worst game ever?

                                E.t for Atari 2600
      E.t caused the video game crash....

For anyone who thinks this is actually true I want to ask you, are you serious. I want to put something forward here, are you seriously going to tell me that one bad game can wipe out THE ENTIRE VIDEO GAME INDUSTRY!,no definitely not at that point in time,if that was the case then the game industry would have already died out by now.The video crash was caused by an over-influx of consoles on the market and also bad games were not the main problem, which is another reason E.t is not the game that single-handedly put the industry in danger. But it's not just that it's also because of some of the idiotic decisions that Atari made like the Atari 2600 version of PAC-MAN, remember that maybe not as much of a failure as E.t but it still put a huge cut in Atari's budget.Also Atari was treating it's workers like shit they were underpaid and they didn't let them sign their work, yeah I think Atari's demise was basically their own fault.The final reason 
(I know of) why the video game crash happened was because their was no quality control, meaning anyone could make their own game leading to a mass of poorly made games for the Atari 2600. Oh and yes while there was a landfill with Atari cartridges, however it didn't just have the game E.t it also has a bunch of their unsold Atari 2600's and a few other games that were released with the console.The point I'm trying to get across is that, before you judge the game because it "caused the video game crash", stop and think for a minute think about how one game, single-handedly put one of the biggest game company at the time in to the dirt, sounds a bit far-fetched when you think about it.

         E.T Is the Worst game Ever

No E.t is nowhere near the worst game ever,now I'm not suggesting E.t is good by any means, but there are so many more games that deserve that title.I can think of several games that a worse than E.T like:Action 52, Bubsy 3D, Megaman for DOS and the Sega Megadrive version of might and magic (ugh).Yeah and I didn't even list half of the other ones, because I would be typing forever if I were to list every game worse than E.T.While it's definitely not the best game ever, it's still nowhere near the worst.Now for what I think of the game, no I don't like it, the controls are super clunky,the gameplay of the game is bland and boring and it's full of glitches, but at least it's playable and the thing is, it's just like a lot of the other low quality Atari 2600 games.So with all that said my final score for this game is a:

                3.7 out of 10

This is the Mind Map for my Project

                       These are some ideas for different                                platformers  I could make.

This is the moodboard for my platformer

Sonic 4 Reveiw

                                             SONIC 4

I’m going to do a full in depth review of why I think sonic 4 is the best sonic game. Before I do that however I want to say yes I’m talking about every single episode not just one, I do count all the episodes as a single game.

The first thing I want to point out is that the controls are really good despite what people say about “bad physics”, I personally didn’t have any problem with the physics, however this complaint is only used for episode 1, in fact I could play the first sonic game next to this game and I would think that sonic 4 episode 1 was better, you see before you go on about glitches in the new sonic games, play the originals more specifically sonic 1.

These games look fantastic and yes I do like graphics a lot and I think they are an important aspect of a game, the reason I think this is because when a game has nice visual style it tends to stand out more, for example when I look at sonic 4 it has a really nice graphics style that is bound to drag people in, so before you say  graphics aren’t one of the main parts of game think of it like this, if a game didn’t have graphics it would basically be a text game and if you just have non-animated objects on the top of a black screen, it wouldn’t matter how good the gameplay was it would in my opinion at least just be boring.

The music in sonic 4 is definitely some of the best in the series, all the different tracks are energetic and fast-pace, they really do get you pumped up to go through the action packed stages and the normal boss music in the second episode is just definitely the best normal boss music in the series.

The reason why this is my favourite sonic game is because of the gameplay, it’s fast-paced and really damn fun. This is seriously the only sonic game where I can go through the levels over and over again without getting bored, the platforming is solid the difficulty is fair but the highlight of the games is the bosses, although in the first episode they were just recycled versions of old, it was still nice to see some of the old bosses coming back, but in the second episode they just went all out with the bosses and made every boss fight different even though you fight metal sonic several times. They also included a story where you play as metal sonic which is basically the first episode expect, you play the game from the end to the beginning instead of the beginning to the end.

                 My Score For Sonic 4 Is

                   9.8 / 10

Tools used in the Game Industry

               Tools of our trade

Triple A Studios
These are the different kinds of tools used by triple a company’s they are very fancy, because they usually have very large budgets. MAYA Is a very popular modelling software and can produce very high poly figures. Unreal Engine 4 Is used a lot in the industry and is a highly praised game engine. Mudbox is another modelling software that’s better for making thing like:  Npcs, enemy’s and characters. Abode Photoshop/Illustrator are programs that are good for stuff like texturing and concept art. Visual Studio is a coding program which is good for making very in-depth and complicated code.

Independent game studios
Independent games studios obviously don’t have as much money as triple A company’s such as EA games or Square Enix. However they use tools such as Unity which is a really good 2d and 3d game engine and it’s free too. Craft studio is another game making software which is also free to use and again it’s free. Steam is also a very important aspect in making independent games, this is because on you can sell your games on steam and possibly make a name for yourself, for example Five Nights at Freddy’s has made a huge impact on the gaming community, whether or not it’s a good one is up to the eye of the beholder.

Independent concept artist
Independent concept artists can sources like Youtube, Deviantart and Personal Blog to document all their work. They use programs such as photoshop or if they don’t have the funding for photoshop they’ll start off by selling their work on paper, they can do this by selling prints of their work online.

5 platform games with their codes and conventions