Saturday 5 December 2015

Top 10 Favourite Games of 2015 (A lot of these games where inspiration for mine) (WIP)

This is a list of my favourite games as of this year. These are not games I've only played this year.They are just my favourite games up to this point in time. Oh and just a side note this is MY top 10, if a game you like isn't on there don't be offended. Anyway all that said I hope you enjoy the list.


Donald duck In Maui Mallard is a criminally underrated SEGA Megadrive game. Seriously why couldn't this Donald be in Kingdom hearts. Anyway on subject this game is in my opinion, is the second best Disney based game. It's gameplay is really fluid and fun, the controls are solid and it has some of the best graphics on the SEGA Megadrive, also the music is very good.  Another cool thing about this game is that it has some interesting gimmicks thrown into the levels, for example in one level your tied to a rope so you have to spring up to platforms you can't reach. Also you can turn into a ninja, which you need to do if you want to get past certain obstacles. This game is on the snes but in my opinion it's not as good.


 Vectorman is a really good platformer. This game has great gameplay in fact in my opinion it's the games strongest aspect, oh don't get me wrong the music and graphics are really good to, especially the graphics. However this games gameplay is top notch and actually diverts from the platform elements sometimes, like in the second stage where you have transformed into a train and fighting war head, who's hanging on the bottom of the tracks. Also every time you hit an enemy or a boss it actually feels like your doing damage to them, some of the enemies and bosses even get recoiled when you hit them. This game is also now available on steam which is really cool.


The first Shantae game is so imaginatively majestic, no i'm not really going to go the game dude route. However I will say that the first Shantae game is my favourite in the series at the moment, i haven't played pirate's curse yet. I thought that Shantae: Risky's revenge was a really good game, it just suffered because of the fact it was to easy and short. Anyway back on subject, I really liked Shantae I loved the exploration and the sense of progression throughout the game. The transformations were all really fun to use and made the game interesting. The game had a really balanced difficulty meaning it was challenging, but not so challenging that it makes you want to thrown your controller at the television (well gameboy but you get what I mean). Overall though I really like this game and I would highly recommend it to anyone.                          


Freedom planet is an amazing platformer, with a bit of a lack luster story. However don't let that put you off from playing the game, because the gameplay more than makes up for the story. This games takes inspiration from 90's platfomers, so as you would imagine it's very fast paced with lots of cool plat forming. One thing I want to point out is It's not made to
replace Sonic, it's a tribute to games like Sonic. This game is amazing with tons of different collectables and extra features that keep you playing. I would highly recommend this to anyone who has played old platformer games, or even if your new to the genre because it's just that good.                        


Okami is really good game, well you probably already guessed that since it's number six on my list. This game sort of plays like legend of Zelda, but there are few differences. First instead of finding stuff to increase your power, you level up to get more Health, Inkpacks or lives. Secondly Instead of getting tools to get past obstacles you get different brush powers from gods, To use these powers you go into the perspective of a paint pad and use the paint brush to activate the powers, for example you draw a spiral for the wind power or a straight line for the slash attack. One of the biggest similarities to legend of zelda, is that their are tons of hidden items and you still need to get items to get past certain parts. The reason I like this game is because I enjoy using all the brush powers and exploring the world. I also like the graphics of Okami I think they look amazing. Finally my favourite aspect of this game is combat system, I just love all the different things you can and the way you use the brush techniques it's just so addicting, I actually try to fight enemies in this game yeah that's how much I love the combat sytem. If you didn't guess already yeah I would recommend this game to anyone.



Oh yeah Cave Story I first I thought I might be slightly bias by putting this on number five, because I'm quite nostalgic about this game. However  I played it again recently and I can safely say that this position is right for the game, oh I'm still nostalgic about it but I actually have evidence to back up why I like this game so much. Firstly it focuses on gameplay as well as story and as a result it has a really good story. The characters are also very memorable for the most part, hell even the villains that I thought would just be the evil sidekicks that screw up alot, where actually some of the most engaging characters. Also as I said this game was not short on gameplay, which it isn't there are many different kind of weapons and power ups you can use and here's a thing they actually all have their uses. The game's challenge in my opinion is very fair it starts quite easy and makes it's way up to hard, the only difficulty spike is the final level on the true ending which is really damn hard. Cave Story also has an awesome with soundtrack which is another bonus. There is a lot to like about this game and I would recommend it to anyone who's a gamer, especially if you grew up with old platformers.

The mother/earthbound series is a very unique rpg series, My favourite out of all of them though has to be mother 3. My reason for this is because it has the best story, music, character, battle system and overall presentation. The story is will keep you invested pretty much all the way through , with earthbound I didn't find myself paying attention to the story that much. The game focuses on four main characters Lucas, Boney, Kumatora and Duster. However the first three  chapters are the prologue to the game, but chapters 1-3 all have interesting stories so it doesn't feel tedious and make you want to rush past the chapters to get to the actual main story. This game also has the best combat system out of any of the Mother games and from what I know the only turn based rpg that has multi-hit combos. 





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