Friday 15 January 2016

Making my Game

Sonic the Hedgehog

To find out how to put animations into construct I followed the tutorial found at this site:


Pyro is an ancient hellhound who has lived for billions of years, he has a lot of experience in combat and magic. He is not in the most glamorous of positions in the hierarchy though, only being what amounts to a pawn in his leader's army. When he was much much younger he strived toward being an elite guard, however after his test to become one went horribly wrong he gave up on his dream. Years later a planet busting war tyrant named Billy emerged from the demon realm, thousands of elite soldiers were sent to kill him and none of them returned.

This is the beginning stages of my game. 

This is the skeleton for the running animation of Pyro.

Wednesday 13 January 2016

A Construct test
This is the game I made using Construct

3D Model

       This is a sketch of the 3D Model I did before making the model.

This is the 3D model I made using teracotta clay. I very professional and exclusive clay.

We then covered the model in a layer liquid latex, this is the first layer their are 8 layers in total and we need to wait ten minutes between each one. To apply it we needed to dab it on.
                      This is the second Layer.

                           This is the third layer.

                              This is the Fifth layer


We made another model with air drying clay, I found this clay much easier to use than the terracotta clay. This clay was much easier to mould to get the right shape for your sculpture, I felt that adding detail was less of hassle and overall it was just a clay that felt a lot better to work with in general.

We put a base layer of paint on our sculpture before we paint them.


This is the fully painted 3d model.

The ratio to make the plaster Paris is 2:1 this is powder to water.

Firstly we put the mould on top of the plastic container and poured the plastic paris into the mould. 
Next we kept tapping the mould so it would get the air bubbles out of the plastic, we couldn't do it to hard because the plastic would have spilled out.
Finally we left it to dry... obviously.


I didn't to do this however because as you can see my model is completely fucked up.  As you can see my model didn't go very well and it was only just beginning to see the world. 

                            R.I.P Model 2016-2016. 

The reason we needed to were aprons is because the plastic could potentially ruin your cloths.

You can cast with aluminium, glass and clay. The different materials you can use could be Steel, lego or rubber.

Friday 8 January 2016

These are some of the sprites for the first level of Ronex

            This is one of the backgrounds for the first level.

These are a couple of the platforms for the level. 

                 This is what the full level looks like so far.

Wednesday 6 January 2016

Sprite Animation

Muybridge race horse image sheet
An animation is a series of images all put together to form movement using different images or most commonly referred to as frames.

Muybridge race horse animated
When the different frames  are put together they make an animation, this horse animation is one of the first that was produced.

Over the years animation grew more and more popular, obviously the first case of this was cartoons, then it moved on to movies and finally video games.